Betrayal Trauma Practitioner & Intrapersonal Relationship Coach

The Relationship We Have With Ourselves 
Sets the Tone And Standard 
For All Other Relationships Around Us

Mr. Jay; Trauma Transformer. Together Let’s Get You from Breakdown to Breakthrough, from Victim to Victor, from Hurt to Hopeful, from Tears to Transformation, from Survival to Revival, from Grief to Growth. Become Better, Not Bitter

Affiliate Disclosure

At Mr. Jay Relationship Coach we like to recommend healing resources. When we find a product helpful we like to share our finds and sometimes those finds are affiliates.

Affiliate Links

At Mr. Jay Relationship Coach we like to recommend healing resources. When we find a product helpful we like to share our finds and sometimes those finds are affiliates. Affiliate Links Sometimes when we recommend a website, resource, or product, we add a link to the company’s website. If a purchase is made through our website, we get a commission from the merchant as a small “thank you.” 

Keep in mind the referral doesn’t cost you a penny. The entire commission comes out of the vendor’s pocket. 

And we ONLY recommend products that we’ve personally tried, or that came highly recommended by trusted peers. 

Cheers To Your Transformation