Minor Tweak, Major Results
So often in everyday conversation the message is completely ruined by the words we choose/use. Here are two different ways to get what you want by asking the right/better way.
Invitation vs. Obligation – When we ask someone to do, or for, something we usually ask with a certain obligatory tone. I invite you to instead think of requesting your wishes/needs/wants more in an invitational way. Not only does this make the other party want to cooperate more but it also realigns our expectations, as well as, puts you – the requester – more at ease.
This is another way in which we can balance owning and honoring. We can still have our desires/standards and needs met but also (nicely) insisting we get what we want/need.
An example of this would be, “I would like us to carve out five minutes later so we can chat over some coffee, sound good? Rather than, “we need to talk now.”