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55 Ways To Say No

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55 Ways To Say No

Have a difficult time saying, “no?” Try these alternate ways….

1. Nah

2. Nope

3. No way

4. Sorry

5. Not now

6. Certainly not

7. By no means

8. I shall not

9. Not likely

10. No thanks!

11. I think not.

12. Unfortunately not

13. I’m slammed

14. Not possible

15. Not this time

16. Not for me, thanks

17. It’s not my thing

18. I think I’ll pass.

19. Not today, thanks

20. I wish I could but…

21. I’m taking sometime

22. Maybe another time

23. I’m not interested

24. If only I could!

25. If only it worked

26. I’ll need to bow out

27. I’m afraid I can’t

28. I have something else

29. I don’t think I want to

30. Thanks, but no thanks

31. Rats! Would’ve loved to

32. Not now, but another time

33. I’m honored, but I can’t

34. I wish I were able to

35. Damn! Not able to fit it in

36. I won’t be able to help

37. I’d love to – but can’t

38. I’d rather not, thanks

39. I wish I could make it work

40. I wish there were two of me

41. I find the idea undesirable

42. Apologies, but I can’t make it.

43. I’m not able to make that time

44. I’m booked into something else

45. Sadly I have something else

46. Sounds great, but I can’t commit.

47. No thank you, but it sounds lovely

48. We appreciate the offer, however…

49. Unfortunately, it’s not a good time

50. No thanks, I won’t be able to make it

51. Thanks for thinking of me but I can’t

52. No thanks, I have another commitment

53. I appreciate your time, but no thank you

54. I’m not really into it, but thanks for asking!

55. I’m not taking on anything else right now.

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