Betrayal Trauma Practitioner & Intrapersonal Relationship Coach

The Relationship We Have With Ourselves 
Sets the Tone And Standard 
For All Other Relationships Around Us

Mr. Jay; Trauma Transformer. Together Let’s Get You from Breakdown to Breakthrough, from Victim to Victor, from Hurt to Hopeful, from Tears to Transformation, from Survival to Revival, from Grief to Growth. Become Better, Not Bitter

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Mr. Jay is a passionate, engaging and inspirational speaker who has given talks at marriage conferences/seminars, libraries, singles groups, parent groups (everything from parenting techniques to the importance of self-care), colleges (motivating freshmen to encouraging persistence), church conferences (everything from being more welcoming/affirming to personal spiritual journeys), schools (speaking on self-worth, bullying etc.), hospitals (everything from how to be more inclusive to dealing with patients with special needs), corporate events (inspiring new and existing employees) and others. Mr. Jay has been interviewed on myriad podcasts so click the box below to schedule an interview or speaking gig.

Photos of Mr. Jay at Varous Speaking Engagements

My New Book

Is Now

“I Am Loved Right

Where I Am”

i am loved right where i am adoptive kids book
FROM THE BOOK: Sylvia is a special girl who knows all about how family love comes in different colors, forms, types, and sizes. She has a lot of friends–each with a unique family makeup. Maybe your family has some things in common with that of Sylvia’s friends, or maybe yours is very different. No matter what type of family you come from, Sylvia wants you to know that is exactly where belong, and that you are LOVED. BUY YOUR COPY ON AMAZON HERE!

Readers are saying...

Timothy E.
This book is an asset to every children's library. It masterfully talks about being loved right where you are, no matter what your family looks like. The story is well organized around several different family structures; and each family's story is so genuine and real. We all can relate. As a clinical social worker, I use this book as a way to talk about diversity, love, and acceptance with the clients and families I work with. We need more books like this highlighting that no matter the make up of your family - two moms, two dads, grandparents, sibling caregivers, blended families, single parents - that each of us deserve love! Bravo Mr. Galvez for bringing this book to life! It is a true gem among children's literature.
Tony J.
It is unfortunate that in this day in time that children are not raised by their biological parents. However, I Am Loved Right Where I Am, teaches us that love is where you find it. It takes a village to raise a child and it takes all kinds of loving people to make that village. This little book is cute, well written and very educational. It also creatively fits any unique family situation. I can't wait to send this one to my niece.
M Stallone
This book is a valuable addition to anyone's library. It includes descriptions of a number of children living in different types of homes. Each child recognizes their life as unique and special. It delivers a powerful message of love and acceptance of self and others in a most adorable way. It is an easy read, making it perfect as a bedtime or classroom story or a child's or teacher's gift. I would say it's message is suitable for all ages, young and old! The illustrations are diverse and entertaining. The story is sweet and positive. This book is truly a well overdue breath of fresh air!
This is not only a delightful book it is a very touching one as well. We have considered the nuclear family with a mother and father as the paradigm for what a family "should" look like. This book turns that assumption upside down but in a gentle, all-inclusive way. Mr. Galvez is reaching out to the children of 2 women, 2 men, grandmother, single mother or father and older sister. So many children are devastated by not having a "normal" family. I would strongly recommend this to any family and any child regardless of the parental unit. Everyone needs to learn tolerance and that is a big message here. Simply put, this book is fabulous.
Dena D.
This is a wonderful children's book that makes explaining the wide variety of different types of families a bit easier. A well written and illustrated book, Jason is able to express love and positive relationships between children within a wide variety of diverse family structures. It is nice to see a children's book that is not focused on only nuclear families, but encompasses many of the loving families who are raising children today. As a professional social worker working with parents and children, having a book that demonstrates all of the different families I see is wonderful.

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