Betrayal Trauma Practitioner & Intrapersonal Relationship Coach

The Relationship We Have With Ourselves 
Sets the Tone And Standard 
For All Other Relationships Around Us

Mr. Jay; Trauma Transformer. Together Let’s Get You from Breakdown to Breakthrough, from Victim to Victor, from Hurt to Hopeful, from Tears to Transformation, from Survival to Revival, from Grief to Growth. Become Better, Not Bitter

8 Ways to Improve your Self-Relationship

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1. Turn off/take a break from social media
This is one of the key topics I talk about during my speaking gigs! Try and take periodic breaks from social media – even a day or so if possible.  Living your life in real-time brings us far more joy than any form of social media ever can.

2. Create self-love habits
Self-affirmations (preferably in the mirror) are critical to boosting our confidence and self-love.  Also, thank yourself when you do something nice.  Anything from getting yourself a glass of water to something much bigger.  You deserve your best manners.  

3. Practice forgiveness
This is another big topic I discuss during my speaking engagements.  Unforgiveness is a volcano waiting to erupt.  Unforgiveness is allowing someone to take up valuable space in your head and life with negative energy rent-free.  You don’t forgive for the sake of others; you forgive for yourself.  There is little more important than peace.  Give yourself the gift of peace by forgiving everyone, including yourself. 

4. Eat healthily
This is so common sense but in today’s busy world we often go for what’s quick.  What is quick is usually what is unhealthy.  Ask yourself: is the food I am eating nourishing me? If not, then you don’t need to eat because you’ll only feel bad afterward. 

5. Help someone else
Countless studies show that when we help others not only are we immediately lifting our own spirits but we are also adding to our self-confidence, self-appreciation and self-love.  Who can you help today?

6. Journal
To be honest I can’t stand writing.  However, I try to at least bullet point a few things when able.  I will journal something that bothered me, journal something I am appreciative for etc.  I love going back and seeing how I’ve grown/changed and what I overcame.

7. Meditate
This can be as long or short as you like.  If you can sit comfortably barefoot, great.  If you are riding a bumpy subway squeezed in between a million people that’s fine too.  Close your eyes and allow yourself to fill your mind with all the joys around you.  Trust me, you’ll find plenty.

8. Think About Your Thinking
In my Tuesday’s Terrific Tip on Youtube, I talk about stinkin’ thinkin’.   As the saying goes, “where the mind goes the person follows.”  Be very careful about what you are allowing yourself to think about.  Now, we have little control over what comes into our mind.  However, we do have control over how long it stays.  Practice positive thinking and like all else; the more you do it the easier it gets.

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