Betrayal Trauma Practitioner & Intrapersonal Relationship Coach

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Mr. Jay; Trauma Transformer. Together Let’s Get You from Breakdown to Breakthrough, from Victim to Victor, from Hurt to Hopeful, from Tears to Transformation, from Survival to Revival, from Grief to Growth. Become Better, Not Bitter

12 Things That Don’t Determine Your Self-Worth

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12 Things That Don’t Determine Your Self-Worth

1. Your To-Do List
Crossing off items on your to-do list is a satisfying feeling, but you can’t let the number of things you crossed off your list (or the number of things you don’t) control your worth.
“While it’s normal to feel proud of your accomplishments, basing your entire self-worth on your achievement is like building a house on an unsteady foundation,” Morin writes. “You’ll need to experience constant success to feel good about yourself—and that means you’ll likely avoid doing things where you could fail.”

2. Your Job
No matter the type of job you have or how much you love (or hate) it, your job doesn’t define who you are as a person.

3. Your Social Media Following
So what if you don’t have a million Insta followers or Twitter retweets? In this digital world, it can feel like that number determines your value, but you’re more complex than what anyone can see on a screen.

4. Your Age
Speaking of numbers, your age is just a number. Some people may say you’re too young or too old, but that’s just who you are at the moment, so just be.

5. Your Appearance
If you want to change the way you look, do it for you. But know that your physical appearance shouldn’t define how worthy you are. “A beautiful body or a handsome face won’t last forever,” Morin writes. “Hair loss, wrinkles, and a middle-age spread can feel catastrophic for someone whose self-worth depends on their physical appearance.”

6. Other People
I’m guilty of comparing myself to others who have the same job title as me and others my age. But I’ve learned I have to manifest in my own lane—and so should you. You do you. Let them do them. Sometimes others may pass you on this road called life and that’s OK. We’re all traveling at different speeds.

7. How Far You Can Run
Ever tell yourself you’ll run a mile and then beat yourself up when you weren’t able to? It happens, but know that your worth comes from trying at all, not how quickly you crush a goal.

8. Your Grades
Maybe tests freak you out or school is just really difficult. Your grades don’t determine your intelligence, and they don’t measure things like your dedication and integrity.

9. The Number of Friends You Have
The more friends the merrier? Sometimes. But whether you have a ton of friends or just a couple, what matters is how you treat one another and if you can turn to them in times of need.

10. Your Relationship Status
Single schmingle. It doesn’t mean you’re not worthy of love or of being loved—it means you’re doing you and focusing on loving yourself.

11. The Money (or Lack Thereof) in the Bank
Whether you’re a billionaire or don’t have much in your wallet, the amount of money you have or are making doesn’t define your worth. “Going deep into debt to create a façade of wealth backfires in the end because while goods and services have monetary value, they don’t reflect your value as a human being,” Morin writes.

12. Your Likes
I’m not talking about Facebook likes, but your personal likes, such as your taste in music or movies. Like what you like, whether it may be considered “high art” or “low art.”

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