10 Questions to Evaluate Your Self-esteem
1. My feelings are easily hurt.
2. I get very upset if someone criticizes me, even if it is “constructive criticism.”
3. I feel angry at myself if I make a mistake, even if it is an “honest mistake.”
4. Instead of making decisions by myself, I usually ask other people what they think I should do.
5. I usually go along with the group, even if I don’t really agree.
6. I feel uncomfortable when someone gives me a compliment.
7. I feel as if I don’t “measure up.” I never feel good enough.
8. I frequently say negative things to myself, like telling myself I am stupid or fat or just no good.
9. I don’t like what I see when I look in the mirror. I feel I am very unattractive.
10. I find myself apologizing for things a lot, even things that aren’t really my fault.
If you answered “almost never” to most of the questions you are in good shape. Everyone has their feelings hurt sometimes. Everyone gets angry at themselves sometimes. Everyone has the experience of looking in the mirror and not liking what they see at some point. As long as these things don’t happen very often, though, they are not cause for concern.
If you answered “most of the time” to many of these questions, you have reason to be concerned. It doesn’t necessarily mean you are depressed or have other psychological problems, but it probably means you have an unrealistic and pessimistic view of yourself. You would benefit from learning tools to self-soothe and regulate your emotions. If you have an eating disorder or other disorder, make sure you get expert treatment as soon as possible because those conditions can be quite serious, even deadly. As a rule of thumb do your best to get the proper amount of water, proper amount of sun, proper amount of sleep and meditation/prayer as just a few of those simple changes could drastically improve your overall mental health and self-esteem.